Director: Aiden Brady
Format: Short Film
Year: 2018
Lee did a great job on a project in which colour was a very important element.
The look had been carefully worked through production design and wardrobe in pre
production and Lee was able to really enhance their vibrancy to maximise the
impact of the shots.
Project BRIEF
But What About Me? Came with a unique set of challenges, as the film was shot in 6K on a RED, however, had a very heavy LUT baked into the image. Part of the job here was rescue and recovery, as well as enhancement and emotional colour theory. Fortunately, there was still plenty of information to bring out from the rushes, and the onset lighting was prominent enough to manipulate and create a surreal, vibrant and sickly colour scheme.
The more vibrantly the colours popped, the happier the director became. A very fun project to work on.